Luxe stamp album San Marino I 1959-1979

Article: bnda7831
Condition:  Neuf
Delivery: 0-2 semaines

As you can see in the picture luxury stamp album San Marino beautifully executed: blue (padded) with faux leather strap embossed with the coat of arms of San Marino. The blades are made of sturdy wood-free paper. All blades cadres are shown where you can post stamps; usually with an image of the stamp itself. In all these frameworks are transparent terminal strips applied to your stamps safely under lend an optimal protection of your valuable collection, the album features a luxury cassette.

Davo reference code: 7831

Find other products of: Albums et Pages, Albums & Feuilles pour les Timbres, Davo LX - Albums, Saint-Marin, Davo.

Product specifications
SKU Parent: bda7831
Pays: Saint-Marin
Fabricant: Davo
Type de Produit: Accessoires