
Davo SL supplement Netherlands Sheets Extra 2020 (without mounts)

The Sheets extra supplement 2020 (without mounts) contains all complete Sheets with different stamps that are also included in the Netherlands basic supplement. The supplement Nederland Sheets extra 2020 contains sheets of extra heavy paper (170 grs.) To store the Sheets that were issued in 2020. Every year a new supplement for the stamps released in the previous year is released for the album Nederlan

Article: bnda50470
Condition:  Neuf
In stock: 1

Find other products of: Albums & Feuilles pour les Timbres, Stamp Supplements, Pays-Bas, Davo.

Product specifications
SKU Parent: bda50470
Pays: Pays-Bas
Fabricant: Davo
Année: 2020
Type de Produit: Accessoires
Numéros de feuille: V167a,V167b,V167c,V169a,V169b,V169c,V169d
Nombre de feuilles: 7